Collection: S&B Filters Canada - Authorized Dealer - My Parts Guy

The S&B Story

35 years old, 3 kids under ten and with no real idea what they were getting into, Berry & Jill bought S&B when it had only 13 employees back in 2003. Our strong faith, conservative beliefs and commitment to take care of the customer has made it easy to remember how the business should be run.

While most in our industry have sold out to private equity, we remain a family owned and operated business with our 2 sons, nephew and son-in-law leading the charge. I understood the risk of mixing family and business, but I didn't have a choice as I couldn’t keep up with the growth without them. I could have hired people with more experience and fancy degrees, but we couldn’t find anyone that would work harder and care more. We are extremely active in the business and want to take care of our customers

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