Collection: BTR Brian Tooley Racing Canada - Authorized Dealer - My Parts Guy

Brian Tooley has worked in the performance industry full time for over 20 years and started his own business, Total Engine Airflow, in 1992 using a Flowdata flowbench. He worked at Holley Performance products from 1993-1995 where he helped develop the SysteMax head, intake and camshaft packages. Brian went back to work for himself from 1996-2004 where he built Total Engine Airflow into one of the most successful CNC cylinder head porting shops in the country.

At the end of 2004 he sold his business to Summit Racing Equipment where he worked with Trickflow Specialties developing CNC programs for existing heads, as well as developing all new cylinder heads. He left Summit Racing/TFS during 2010 to move closer to home and family.

After seeing a need for quality spring kits at affordable prices he decided to introduce his own line of spring kits.

At My Parts Guy Canada we are proud to service all our Canadian customers from within Canada and all our American Customers from within the USA


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